Granting Myself Permission to Write

Prompt Inspired By Create Anyway Book


Prompt Inspired By Create Anyway Book ~

Is Creativity as a Selfish Act?

In the midst of the chaos that fills our daily lives, there are moments when we yearn to prioritize our creativity. What if someone handed me a glass jar filled with permission slips that allowed me to indulge in my writing? What would be written on those slips? As a mother and a writer, here are some permission slips I would grant myself, and perhaps you can relate to them too.

Permission to Leave the House and Go to a Coffee Shop to Write

In the midst of my bustling life, finding a quiet space to write can be a challenge. But sometimes, all I need is a change of scenery to fuel my creativity. Granting myself permission to step away from the daily routine and indulge in the simple pleasure of sitting in a coffee shop, sipping a warm beverage, and pouring my thoughts onto paper can be incredibly liberating. The hum of conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee create an ambiance that inspires me to dive deep into my writing and unleash my imagination.

Permission to Write for Myself before Doing Work for Others

As a mother, I often put the needs of my loved ones before my own. It's easy to get caught up in the never-ending to-do list, prioritizing the tasks that benefit others rather than nurturing my own passions. But by granting myself permission to write for myself first, I acknowledge the importance of self-expression and self-care. This act of prioritizing my creative endeavors allows me to fill my own cup, enabling me to better serve those around me from a place of fulfillment and contentment.

Permission to Push Aside Another Task in Lieu of Creative Energy Flowing

As a mother, I sometimes struggle with guilt when it comes to prioritizing my creative endeavors. I question whether indulging in my writing is selfish or a valuable use of my limited time. I find myself asking, "Why should I spend time writing something that will only live on my computer or in a notebook?"

However, I have come to recognize the significance of creativity beyond its immediate outcome. By writing, I have the opportunity to document the details and moments that make up my life. These snippets of my experiences, thoughts, and emotions become precious memories, allowing me to capture the essence of who I am and what I value. They become a legacy for myself and a gift for future generations.

Granting myself permission to embrace my creativity as a mother and writer is a transformative act. It enables me to nurture my passions, tap into my authentic self, and find moments of solace and fulfillment. By prioritizing my creative endeavors, I not only honor my own needs but also set an example for my loved ones to follow their own dreams and passions.

Creativity is a delicate and elusive force that cannot be forced or scheduled. It flows freely when it desires, often catching me by surprise. So, why not grant myself permission to embrace those moments of creative energy? By allowing myself to push aside another task temporarily and seizing the opportunity to engage with my creative pursuits, I open myself up to new ideas, fresh perspectives, and the sheer joy that comes from immersing myself in the creative process.

So, the next time I find myself holding a metaphorical glass jar filled with permission slips, I won't hesitate to use them. I will embrace the freedom to leave the house and write in a coffee shop, to write for myself first, and to allow my creative energy to flow. I will remember that my writing is not merely a selfish act but a powerful tool for self-expression and a means to preserve the beauty of my life's story.

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhaleβ€”an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Create Anyway".