Finding Balance as a Pharmacist/Mom

As a pharmacist and a mother, I am often asked by my son about my job and what I do at the pharmacy. During a recent conversation, my son asked me, "Mom, what do you do in the pharmacy?" After working three long days in a row, I was not in the mood to talk about work. Instead, I asked him about his day at school, hoping to shift the focus away from me.

As he described his day, my son returned to the topic of my job and asked if I had friends at work. I explained that while I referred to my colleagues as friends, I was also their manager and responsible for ensuring that everything got done. I tried to explain the delicate balance between being friendly and professional, and my son nodded his head as if he understood.

My son's next comment surprised me. "When I grow up, I want to be the boss too!" he exclaimed. I was delighted by his aspiration and encouraged him to dream big.

As I reflect on this conversation with my son, I am reminded of the importance of role models and the impact that parents and other adults can have on a child's future aspirations. As a pharmacist and a manager, I am proud to be able to serve as a role model for my son and other children, and to inspire them to aim high and pursue their dreams.

In addition, this conversation with my son highlighted for me the importance of finding a balance between work and family. While my job is important to me, my family and my son's future aspirations are equally important. As a parent and a professional, finding this balance can be challenging, but it is crucial for overall wellbeing and happiness.

In conclusion, my conversation with my son about my job as a pharmacist and manager reminded me of the importance of role models, the power of encouragement, and the need for balance in our lives. As we navigate our personal and professional responsibilities, let us strive to be positive influences and inspire those around us to dream big and find their own balance.

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhaleβ€”an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series.